First, thanks to all the wonderful people who have suddenly stumbled onto this website and given me your comments, especially Heather Riche from Saskatchewan (my very first visitor). I really appreciate all your comments – keep ’em comin!
I’d like to thank my former writing teachers, especially John Hart, Craig Lesley, and Kris Franklin, for giving me encouragement and the courage to keep writing.
Thanks to my husband, Scott, for giving me a great environment to be creative.
Thank you to my children, Chris and Kelly, for their ongoing comical inspiration.
Thanks to Laurie Kitzke for giving me the book, No Plot? No Problem! A Low-Stress, High-Velocity Guide to Writing a Novel in 30 Days, by Chris Baty. That book motivated me to finish the first draft of my first novel (and about killed me in the process!). I knew I had a novel in me, just didn’t know how to wrench it out.
And finally, thanks to Maddie M. who, when she comes over to hang out with my daughter, always says, “When are you going to edit your novel, Suzanne? I really want to read it!” I’m working on it, Maddie, I’m working on it.